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Thunder Shooters’ Club (TSC) is dedicated to providing its members with quality training opportunities to develop their defensive shooting skills. To this end, the TSC Instructors have developed a series of training classes referred to as Thunder Shooting Academy (TSA).This handbook list the classes offered by TSC. The following sections provide information on each course such as: course description, required equipment, estimated round count, and other class specific information.
Member Conduct and Responsibilities
TSC is hosted by Thunder Gun Range, and as such, we MUST follow their safety and operating procedures. Members MUST demonstrate responsible gun handling at all times, or they may be asked to leave the range.
Safety is number one... PERIOD! Handling firearms in a dynamic environment is inherently dangerous. TSC has rules and policies to prevent injury to shooters and spectators.
1. All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule.
4. Identify your target, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything that you have not positively identified.
Safety Procedures
All club events will have a designated Safe Area for uncasing and casing handguns. Members should carry their range bag into the Safe Area, verify there is no magazine or round the chamber, and put the unloaded gun in a holster. No ammunition is allowed in the Safe Area.
Guns are only loaded at the specific direction of the Instructor. Guns are unloaded and holstered at all other times. Instructors will cover class specific safety procedures in pre-class briefings.
Class Descriptions
Basic Pistol Fundamentals Class - $60
This class is designed to teach or review range rules, rules of gun safety, proper operation of semi-automatic pistols or revolvers, shooting positions, and the fundamentals of shooting safely and accurately. Bring your pistol and fifty rounds of full metal jacket target ammunition or you can rent one at the range and purchase ammunition. Bring your ear and eye protection or purchase economically at the range. This class allows the range instructor to assess each shooters skill level to be able to recommend appropriate training classes for further training. This is not a NRA certified class.
Intermediate Pistol – $75
This is not a beginner’s course and is offered to students with knowledge of gun safety rules and shooting fundamentals. Students practice clearing handgun and ammunition malfunctions quickly and learn tips on improving trigger control to improve accuracy. The basics of drawing from a hip holster are taught and students are introduced to shooting multiple targets. Students are introduced to some of the basics of defensive shooting. They learn to respond to multiple shooting commands while shooting in a timed environment that induces some stress. They learn how to balance speed of shooting with accuracy. Students need a semi automatic pistol of at least .380 caliber with two or three magazines, an outside the waistband hip holster, and a belt magazine holster. Revolver shooters will need a hip holster and at least two speed loaders and all students need ear and eye protection. This not an NRA certified course. Requires 200 rounds of ammunition.
Prerequisites: Basic pistol training or equivalent experience
Duration: 3 hours
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting – $130
Students learn the NRA rules for safe gun handling, pistols parts and operation, ammunition types and knowledge, shooting fundamentals, how to select the right pistol, target scoring, range rules, shooting from a two handed standing position, cleaning pistols, safe storage of pistols and ammunition, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students receive the 146 page NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a fifty question exam, and receive a course completion certificate upon completion that qualifies you to take higher level NRA pistol courses. This is the most taught NRA course nationwide for students who want to learn the proper operation of all rim fire or center fire pistols and provides a solid foundation for further training or practice. Even if you are an experienced shooter, but have never had formal instruction, this course will help get you on track to more accurate shooting. Students can bring a pistol or they can rent a pistol. Requires 100 rounds of ammunition.
NRA Basics Of Personal Protection In The Home – $160
The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course or passing an NRA evaluation is required to take this course. This course includes learning basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety, and responding to a violent confrontation. You will learn to shoot from multiple positions, using cover and concealment, and how to clear your home in the event of a break-in. It also includes the legal aspects or using a handgun for self defense and the aftermath consequences of a shooting incident. You will learn how to choose the right firearm for self defense and additional opportunities for skill development in self defense shooting. Students can bring a pistol or they can rent a pistol. You will receive the 223 page NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home. Requires 100 rounds of ammunition.
NRA Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home – $225
This course is the next level course after taking the NRA Basics Of Personal Protection In The Home Course. You will learn to draw a handgun from concealment and operate it safely while shooting from many different shooting positions. You will study the basic legal concepts relating to the use of firearms in self defense, and must know and observe not only gun safety rules, but also those safety principles specific to defensive situations. You will spend approximately 50% of the course time on the range shooting approximately 225 rounds while learning to draw and shoot from concealment. The course will be taught over two days. You will receive the 356 page NRA Guide to the Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home. Students must have their own semi-automatic handgun or a revolver of .38 Special caliber or greater, an outside the waistband hip holster, a two magazine holster, and two speed loaders if shooting a revolver. A concealment vest or garment with a zippered or buttoned front that completely covers the pistol in its holster is also required. Ear and eye protection is required and amplified ear protection is highly recommended so you can hear range commands. Requires 225 rounds of ammunition.
Tactical Pistol – $175
This is a course for experienced shooters who know the rules of gun safety and a good working knowledge of their handgun’s operation. This course involves learning to shoot as fast as you can safely while maintaining combat accuracy, defending against multiple threats, assessing your surroundings, and basic tactics of a gunfight. You will learn the levels of handgun competence, the levels of mental awareness, the ramifications of getting into a gunfight, and how law enforcement will handle the scene of a shooting incident. You will receive instruction on the fundamentals of shooting, drawing, safe holstering, wearing concealment garments, and how to clear any type of ammunition or pistol malfunction by instinct to get the gun back in action fast. You will learn how to move while shooting, defensive reloads, and emergency reloads while moving or behind concealment or cover. You will be shooting at different distances and will compete in a shoot-off with other students. This is a course designed to give you the basics to help build your skills to a level that exceeds the vast majority of handgun owner’s skill level. It adds the element of stress and adds basic tactics to gun fighting to what is taught in the NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home Course. Students must have taken the Intermediate Pistol Course, or equivalent training, and demonstrate their ability to operate their semi automatic pistol safely while shooting against the clock through a brief shooting qualification, or have taken the NRA Personal Protection In The Home Course and the NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home Course to qualify for this course. Students must have a semi automatic pistol of 9mm caliber or greater with three magazines and a two magazine holster, or a revolver of .38 Special caliber or greater with three speed loaders, a strong side hip holster, a concealment garment that is zippered or buttoned at the front and covers the pistol and holster completely. You must also have a tactical flashlight, eye protection, and ear protection that is amplified so that you can hear range commands to maintain a safe shooting environment. This is not a NRA Certified course. Requires 350 rounds of ammunition.
Defensive Shotgun 101 – $75
This class covers the rules of safe gun handling, working parts of a shotgun, shooting fundamentals, shooting positions, ammunition knowledge, recognizing malfunctions and clearing them, and further training options to improve skills. Students may bring any 20 ga. or 12 ga. shotgun that has a magazine capacity of at least five rounds and 100 rounds of 7.5 or 8 shot, factory loaded ammunition. This is not a class covering skeet, trap, or sporting clays shooting. You will need ear and eye protection also. You can rent a shotgun to take this class. This is not a NRA certified class.
Defensive Rifle 101 – $75
This class covers the rules of safe gun handling, working parts of a rifle/carbine built on an AR frame, shooting fundamentals, shooting positions, recognizing and clearing malfunctions, ammunition knowledge, and discussing further training opportunities. You need a rifle that has a detachable magazine holding at least twenty rounds, one extra magazine, 100 rounds of ammunition, ear protection, and eye protection. Knee pads and elbow pads are acceptable but shooting mats will be provided. You can rent a rifle if you don’t own one.
This class is designed for those who have already taken our Basic 1-Day Handgun Course or have similar training experience through law enforcement, military, competition experience, or haven taken previous courses from recognized firearms training companies. This course is for those looking to enhance and improve upon their previous handgun training. We will continue to instill a solid shooting foundation as well as introduce handgun manipulation techniques and tactics, enabling you to better protect yourself and others. Learning these battle-proven tactics and techniques will take you to a whole new level. Those students who complete this course will be better prepared to move into our advanced training program.
Prerequisites: Basic 1-Day Handgun Course
Duration: 6 hours
This class is designed for those who have already taken our Basic 1-Day Rifle Course or have similar training experience through law enforcement, military, competition experience, or haven taken previous courses from recognized firearms training companies. This course is for those looking to enhance and improve upon their previous rifle training. We will continue to instill a solid shooting foundation as well as introduce rifle manipulation techniques and tactics, enabling you to better protect yourself and others. Learning these battle-proven tactics and techniques will take you to a whole new level. Those students who complete this course will be better prepared to move into our advanced training program.
Prerequisites: Basic 1-Day Rifle Course
Duration: 6 hours
Tactical Rifle / CQB (Close Quarters Battle) Course – $250
Our Tactical Rifle Course is designed to introduce students to the dynamics of moving and shooting with a rifle during a (CQB) Close Quarters Battle engagement. Students will be put in unconventional shooting positions while being pushed to challenge themselves.
This course is a full six hours of intense firearms training, practice and demonstration. The following topics will be covered
• Long gun selection (rifle vs. shotgun)
• Rifle sight-in
• Ammunition selection
• Standing and kneeling positions
• Shooting from behind cover
• shooting at multiple targets
• Use of the long gun for building search
• Malfunction drills
• Developing proficiency with the long gun under stress
Students will fire a minimum of 250 rounds.
Prerequisites: Basic Firearms Course
Duration: 6 hours
Required Equipment:
Rifle: semi auto, barrel length of 16-20" preferable. Rifle should be in a moderate caliber (.223, 7.62) or any pistol caliber 9mm or greater. Optics and weapon lights optional.
Minimum of 3 High Capacity Magazines (30 Rounds)
Students will fire a minimum of 250 rounds.
Belt or Vest and Magazine Pouch (Must Retain Equipment While Moving and Shooting)
Appropriate Clothing for The Season and Unconventional Shooting Positions (Suited to Strenuous Activity)
Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended
Ear Protection (Electronic Preferred)
Eye Protection
Low Light Handgun I – $150
This course was specifically designed to expose the student to the proper use of a flashlight and handgun in a low light environment. The FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR), tells us that most shootings - about 80% - occur in low or reduced light. Many people have never shot their handgun in a low light condition or with the use of flashlight. This course will introduce students to tactics and techniques necessary when using a flashlight and shooting in low light to no light conditions. Students will be faced with live fire exercises that require judgmental shooting situations and target identification with the use of a flashlight.
This course is a full three hours of intensive firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
• Review of gun safety and shooting fundamentals
• Concepts of low light shooting
• Dim light shooting (no flashlight)
• Use of night sights
• Use of weapon mounted lights vs. handheld flashlights
• Moving when using a flashlight with a handgun
• Team Tactics with a handgun in low light
• Live Fire Night Shoot
Ammunition Requirement:
150 of rounds of handgun ammunition
Required Equipment:
Handgun 9mm-45ACP
Compact Handheld Flashlight with Spare Batteries (weapon mounted light optional)
Students Will Fire a Minimum of 125 Rounds.
Belt, Holster and Magazine Pouch (Must Retain Equipment While Moving and Shooting)
Appropriate Clothing for the Season and Unconventional Shooting Positions (Suited to Strenuous Activity)
Ear Protection (Electronic Preferred)
Eye Protection
Handgun Essentials Course – $200
Handgun Essentials was specifically created out of a necessity to bridge the gap between Handgun Fundamentals and our advanced courses. Through demonstration and practice, participants will learn the steps of drawing the firearm from the holster to presentation and through repetition become proficient. As the course progresses students will be challenged with more difficult shooting drills. At the conclusion of this course students will have the necessary skills to confidently enroll in an advanced handgun course.
This course is a full four hours of firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
• Review of Gun Safety and Shooting Fundamentals
• Handgun Maintenance
• Equipment Placement
• Compressed Ready
• Reloads and Malfunctions
• Drawing From the Holster
• Multiple Shots
• Recoil Management
Ammunition Requirement:
150 of rounds of handgun ammunition
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 4 hours
Required Equipment:
• Handgun 9mm-45ACP
• Minimum two high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or three low-capacity (7-10 rd) magazines
• Belt, holster and magazine pouch (must retain equipment while moving and shooting)
• Ear protection (electronic preferred)
• Eye protection
• Water
Precision Rifle Training Minute of Angle – $125
“Minute of angle" (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances.
Our instructor for this course was a U.S. Marine Corp Scout Sniper with 10 years of military service.
• 50 rounds
• Calculator
• Paper and Pencil
• Eye and Ear protection
• Hat for shooting outdoors
• Button up shirt or closed t-shirt
• Proper attire for outside shooting
• Liquids for hydration and snacks
Tactical Handgun I – $225
This course was specifically designed to develop skills for the student who uses his/her firearm as a primary firearm in a tactical environment. Students will be prepared to handle the most challenging tactical shooting situations. The emphasis is on developing tactical shooting skills that can be applied in real-life situations. This course is for the shooter who is interested in additional firearms training but wants a less expensive, locally available, weekend course.
This course is a full six hours of firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
• Review of gun safety and shooting fundamentals
• Gear Placement
• Drawing from the holster
• Techniques to speed up follow up shots and target acquisition
• Reloads (Emergency and Tactical)
• Combat accuracy
• Shooting positions
• Recoil management
• Malfunction clearing
• Prone shooting
• Strong hand only shooting
• Shooting on the move
• Standing and walking turns
• Tactical use of cover
• Multiple target engagement
Ammunition Requirement:
• 250 rounds handgun ammunition
Required Equipment:
• Handgun 9mm-45ACP
• Minimum three high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or six low-capacity (7-8 rd) magazines
• Belt, holster and magazine pouch (holster and mag pouches must be hard plastic (kydex) and retain equipment while moving and shooting)
• Appropriate clothing for the season and unconventional shooting positions (suited to strenuous activity)
• Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended
• Ear protection (electronic preferred)
• Eye protection
• Water
Carbine Fundamentals – $150
This course is for any level of shooter and will develop the necessary skills to safely and effectively operate the carbine. A solid foundation of the weapon system will be established. Carbine Fundamentals is a course that was designed to be first step for any level of carbine shooter before attending advanced carbine courses.
This course is a full four hours of intense firearms training, practice and demonstration. The following topics will be covered:
• Long gun selection
• Rifle sight-in
• Ammunition selection
• Reloads
• Malfunction drills
• Multiple shot drills
• Multiple target engagement
Ammunition Requirement:
• 200 rounds of carbine ammunition
Required Equipment:
• Rifle: semi auto, in a moderate caliber (.223, 7.62) or any pistol caliber 9mm or greater. Optics and weapon lights optional.
• Minimum of 3 High Capacity Magazines (30 Rounds)
• Belt or Vest and Magazine Pouch (Must Retain Equipment While Moving and Shooting)
• Appropriate Clothing for The Season and Unconventional Shooting Positions (Suited to Strenuous Activity)
• Ear Protection (Electronic Preferred)
• Eye Protection
• Water
Family Protection Course – $200
This course was specifically designed to expose the student to real world scenarios that they could face on any given day. As armed citizens we often practice and prepare as if we had only ourselves to protect. Students will learn the skills necessary to protect themselves and others such as their spouse, their kids, a co-worker or even an innocent bystander. This course is instructed by active law enforcement professionals who have successfully completed PSOTP (Protective Service Operations Training Program) at FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) and currently work protective service operations both in the private sector and government.
This course is a full four hours of intensive firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
• Review of gun safety and shooting fundamentals
• One handed shooting
• Combat accuracy
• Reaction to attacks
• Walking with others and shooting
• Team protection tactics
• Close quarters shooting
• Multiple target engagement
• Shoot don't shoot scenarios
• Shooting around others
• Unconventional shooting positions (kneeling, seated)
Ammunition Requirement:
• 150 rounds handgun ammunition
Required Equipment:
• Handgun .380 - 45 ACP
• Minimum two high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or three low-capacity (7-10 rd) magazines
• Holster - can be outside the pants hip holster, inside the waistband, appendix carry, shoulder holster (barrel must point down when holstered), cross draw holster, pocket holster, or fanny bag. The carry method and holster must have the trigger area protected and the barrel pointing downwards when holstered/secured.
• Knee pads
• Concealment clothing
• Appropriate clothing for the season and unconventional shooting positions (suited to strenuous activity)
• Ear protection (electronic preferred)
• Eye protection
• Water
Handgun Essentials – $150
Handgun Essentials was specifically created out of a necessity to bridge the gap between Handgun Fundamentals and our advanced courses. Through demonstration and practice, participants will learn the steps of drawing the firearm from the holster to presentation and through repetition become proficient. As the course progresses students will be challenged with more difficult shooting drills. At the conclusion of this course students will have the necessary skills to confidently enroll in an advanced handgun course.
This course is a full four hours of intensive firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
• Review of Gun Safety and Shooting Fundamentals
• Handgun Maintenance
• Equipment Placement
• Compressed Ready
• Reloads and Malfunctions
• Drawing From the Holster
• Multiple Shots
• Recoil Management
Ammunition Requirement:
• 150 of rounds of handgun ammunition
Required Equipment:
• Handgun 9mm-45ACP
• Minimum two high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or three low-capacity (7-10 rd) magazines
• Belt, holster and magazine pouch (must retain equipment while moving and shooting)
• Ear protection (electronic preferred)
• Eye protection
• Water
Course Prerequisites:
• None
Tactical Carbine – $250
Our Tactical Carbine Course is designed to introduce students to the dynamics of moving and shooting with the carbine in a tactical environment. Students will be put in unconventional shooting positions, shooting and moving along with effective use of cover and all while being pushed to challenge themselves. This course will cover instruction that would be useful for operating the carbine in a close quarters engagement such as a building or residential structure. For those students that bring a handgun, the course of instruction will also present an opportunity to practice transitions from carbine to handgun and handgun to carbine.
This course is a full six hours of intense firearms training, practice and demonstration. The following topics will be covered:
• Long gun selection (rifle vs. shotgun)
• Rifle sight-in
• Ammunition selection
• Unconventional shooting positions
• Transitions between shooting positions
• Shooting from behind cover
• Moving into cover
• Shooting at multiple targets
• Use of the long gun for building clearing
• Malfunction drills
• Reload while moving
• Developing proficiency with the long gun under stress
Ammunition Requirement:
• 500 rounds of carbine ammunition
• 100 rounds of handgun ammunition (if bringing a handgun)
Required Equipment:
• Rifle: semi auto, in a moderate caliber (.223, 7.62) or any pistol caliber 9mm or greater. Optics and weapon lights optional.
• Minimum of 3 High Capacity Magazines (30 Rounds)
• Belt or Vest and Magazine Pouch (Must Retain Equipment While Moving and Shooting)
• Appropriate Clothing for The Season and Unconventional Shooting Positions (Suited to Strenuous Activity)
• Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended
• Ear Protection (Electronic Preferred)
• Eye Protection
• Water
Course Prerequisites:
• Carbine Fundamentals or approved equivalent
This course is intended for people with limited handgun shooting experience, including handgun owners who have never taken a formal handgun training course. Handgun Fundamentals is recommended for anyone preparing to take the Texas CHL qualification course.
This course is two hours to include firearms training, demonstration and range time. The following topics will be covered.
• Basic gun safety
• Grip
• Stance
• Trigger control
• Fundamentals of marksmanship
• Reloading
• Sight Alignment
• Drills to improve your score on the Texas CHL shooting qualification course
Ammunition Requirement:
• 100 rounds handgun ammunition
Required Equipment:
• Handgun .32-45 ACP? • Ear Protection (ELECTRONIC PREFERRED) • Eye Protection • Water
3 Gun Intro Class – $75
Learn safety rules, divisions, scoring, disqualification rules, tips on planning and shooting stages, and equipment recommendations. Bring your handgun that has a magazine capacity of no less than 10 rounds, an outside the waistband belt holster, 3 magazines, a 2 magazine belt holster, rifle with detachable magazine and not greater than .556mm cal, and either a 20 ga or 12 ga shotgun. You will need 75 rounds of pistol, 75 rounds of rifle ammo, and 35 rounds of #7.5 or 8.0 lead shot shotgun shells. This is not a NRA certified class.
Tactical Handgun II – $175
This course was specifically designed to be a follow up course to our Tactical Handgun I Course, which covers the more basic tactical handgun skills needed as a foundation. This course is for the shooter who wants to challenge their abilities and truly test themselves. Shooters will be put in unconventional shooting positions that are practical and could be used in real world scenarios.
This course is a full six hours of intensive firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
• Review of gun safety and shooting fundamentals
• Drawing from the holster
• Moving and shooting
• Reloads (slide lock and tactical) and malfunctions
• Tactical use of cover and generally developing proficiency with the handgun under stress.
• One-handed, master and support hand manipulations
• Unorthodox shooting positions (prone, urban prone, supine, seated)
• Shooting around cover
• Multiple targets
• Off line of attack
• Adverse angles
• Standing and walking turns
• Multiple shots/recoil management
• Long-range engagements
• The balance of speed & precision
• Defensive and retention shooting
• Concealed use
• Basic house movements and one-person structure clearing
Ammunition Requirement:
• 250 rounds handgun ammunition
Required Equipment:
• Handgun 9mm-45ACP
• Minimum three high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or six low-capacity (7-8 rd) magazines
• Belt, holster and magazine pouch (holster and mag pouches must be hard plastic (kydex) and retain equipment while moving and shooting)
• Concealment holster or and concealment garment
• Appropriate clothing for the season and unconventional shooting positions (suited to strenuous activity)
• Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended
• Ear protection (electronic preferred)
• Eye protection
• Water
Basic 1-Day Handgun Course - $250
This full-day class is great for someone who has never fired a handgun or has little experience shooting one. This is a basic class to instill confidence in your ability to safely use your firearm by setting a solid foundation on the modern shooting techniques used by the best shooting professionals in the civilian, military and law enforcement community. When you have completed our course, you will have the skills to go to the range on your own and the ability to move forward into our more advanced courses.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 6 hours
Basic 1-Day Rifle Course - $250
This full-day class is great for someone who has never fired a rifle or has little experience shooting one. This is a basic class to instill confidence in your ability to safely use your firearm by setting a solid foundation on the modern shooting techniques used by the best shooting professionals in the civilian, military and law enforcement community. When you have completed our course, you will have the skills to go to the range on your own and the ability to move forward into our more advanced courses.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 6 hours
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting - Phase II – $120
After completing and passing the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting - Phase I on the NRA website students learn the practical application of operating revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, review rules of gun safety, learn proper grip and shooting stance, practice loading and unloading revolvers and semi-automatics, study the five basic fundamentals of accurate shooting, proceed to dry firing pistols, practice live firing from a bench rest and standing unsupported positon, then shoot qualification rounds to determine level of skill achieved. Students will shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition in practice and qualification. Students can rent a pistol for this class.
Prerequisites: Complete NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting - Phase I
Duration: 7 hours
Ladies Basic Pistol Class - $60
This class is designed to teach or review range rules, rules of gun safety, proper operation of semi-automatic pistols or revolvers, shooting positions, and the fundamentals of shooting safely and accurately. Bring your pistol and fifty rounds of full metal jacket target ammunition or you can rent one at the range and purchase ammunition. Bring your ear and eye protection or purchase economically at the range. This class allows the range instructor to assess each shooters skill level to be able to recommend appropriate training classes for further training. This class also includes an orientation into the benefits of being a member of the Thunder Shooters Club. This is not a NRA certified class.
Register by 6PM the day prior to the class as class will be cancelled unless at least four people pre-register. Walk-ins accepted if there are four pre-registrations. Call Tom to verify class if you are not pre-registered.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 2.5 hours
Change to Defensive Rifle 102 - $95
Specific techniques used for close quarter defense and mid-range defensive encounters, drills include high speed presentation, use of cover, shooting under pressure, engaging multiple threats, coordinated movement, and unconventional shooting positions.
Tactical Rifle - $175
Close quarter maneuvers, sprinting off the "X", head shots at speed, multiple threats acquisition, proactive and reactive fighting, aimed shooting vs. improvised shooting, recovering superiority, strong side and weak side shooting, multiple shooting positions.
Defensive Shotgun 102 - $95
High speed presentation, reloading techniques, use3 of cover, time pressure shooting, defeating multiple threats, unconventional shooting positions, movement concepts, long range and short range precision shooting.
Tactical Shotgun - $175
Close quarter battle maneuvers, mid and long range shooting, tactical and emergency reloads, load transitioning, multiple threats and hits, proactive and reactive shooting, strong side and weak side shooting, multiple shooting positions, tactical team movements.