Membership Information

Click here for the Shooter's Club F.A.Q.s

New Member – Must participate in a basic range safety class or the regularly scheduled third Saturday men’s and women’s program and be certified before participating in any other events.

Member – Can participate in classes and practice sessions led by a safety officer or instructor. They are also allowed to practice with an advanced member

Advanced Member – Is a member who has successfully completed at least four skill development seminars, has demonstrated a commitment to the safe operation of firearms and the ability to practice responsibly. Advanced members can practice alone or with one or two other members. There must be a safety officer present for more than three advanced members.

Safety Officer/Coach – Experienced shooters with a proven commitment to safe range operations who can act as safety officer at events or coaches for practice sessions. Safety Officer/Coaches will be certified as IDPA Range Safety Officers, USPSA Range Officers or NRA Range Safety Officers and have demonstrated their ability to safely handle multiple shooters in a shooting bay. These people are not allowed to charge for their services when working in this capacity. They may have their range fee waived or discounted while performing their duties for Thunder Shooting Club.

TSC Instructors – Experienced shooting instructors with a known record, who have the skill and experience to conduct training sessions for Thunder Shooting Club. TSC instructors will be required to have an instructor certification from NRA, TCLEOS, or another recognized instructor development program. Instructors in this classification will be validated by the Range Management as meeting the requirement to be an TSC instructor. Inside Instructors will be compensated for the time they spend teaching classes.

Benefits of Membership

Thunder Shooting Club is an opportunity for shooters to safely develop advanced shooting skills and practice them regularly. The club will also provide those who either compete or attend major schools, the opportunity to practice their skills economically on a regular basis.

Thunder Shooting Club uses qualified instructors to work with you and provides the advantage of:

It is local. You don’t have to travel cross country and pay for food and lodging.

It is effective. Skills are presented in small manageable blocks, usually about 2 hours. You are allowed to develop skills at your own pace.

Providing shooters the opportunity to learn a skill, practice it in a class, and develop it through coached practice sessions allows shooters the perfect environment to learn and develop their defensive shooting skills. Two hour classes will cost as little as $25 each.

Fee Schedule

Annual Membership Cost $35

Event Fees
Individual Practice – Shooters supply targets/stands $15 $20*

Safety Officer Led Practice (Scheduled Session) $15 $20

Skill Development Seminars $25 $35

Men’s/Woman’s Classes $25 $35

* Must be accompanied by member